Discover our current catalog for download here, as well as the comprehensive assembly instructions, which summarize all the important information for a smooth assembly. We also present the study "Sustainable Luxurization in Gardening and Landscaping" commissioned by KNUMOX, as well as information about our shower wall in cooperation with AXOR.
illustrative Darstellung eines grauen KNUMOX Elements in transluzenter Duchlässigkeit und der Breite von 100 cm.

assembly instructions

All important information about the structure summarized.

Download assembly instructions
Auszüge aus der Studie "Nachhaltige Luxurisierung im Garten- und Landschaftsbau"


Is it possible to reconcile luxury products and sustainability while at the same time building a future-proof business model that creates understandable added value for the garden owner? This question is answered by the study "Sustainable Luxurization in Gardening and Landscaping" commissioned by KNUMOX.

Download PDF
Schwarze Axor-Duscharmatur, die mit einem grauen Glaselement in Sondergröße  kombiniert ist und vor Pflanzen steht.


Information about our shower in cooperation with Axor.

Downloads Info Shower